The Crisis


The lack of clean drinking water affects every continent on earth.

Approximately 1.6 billion people live in countries without the necessary infrastructure to take potable water from rivers and aquifers to outlying regions.

Safe drinking water and basic sanitation are critical to the preservation of human health, especially among children. According to the World Health Organization, water-related diseases are the most common cause of illness and fatalities among the poor in developing countries.

By providing families across the globe with better access to clean water for drinking, sanitation and hygiene, the lives of some 1.6 million children could be saved each year.

The Solution

Starting with clean water, communities can begin to develop adequate sanitation and proper hygiene protocols. These are the core factors in determining quality of life and opportunities for economic growth.

Our Atmospheric Water Harvester technology can deliver a continuous supply of pure, clean potable water in remote regions and can also supplement emergency supplies for more crowded urban areas. Our integrated units can also provide chilled air for interior cooling.

While desalination plants are the predominant source of fresh water in certain areas of the Arabian Peninsula and coastal Africa, they cannot solely address the ever-increasing needs and contingency requirements of the growing populations in these regions. They may also be impractical for smaller and non-coastal communities with unmet water needs.

WGS can solve these issues, and we are committed to helping the world advance towards the day when everyone, no matter their location or circumstance, has access to ample and clean fresh water.